V-Air Solid Plus Large Area Fragrance Dispenser



  • Environmentally friendly – propellant and aerosol free. VOC exempt & non-hazardous for all modes of transport.
  • Utilizes multi-phasing air freshener technology.
  • Refill cartridge consists of solid ceramic outer and inner fragrance core.
  • Provides continuous and consistent fragrance to large spaces.
  • Easily replaceable and safe to handle solid ceramic cartridge refill.
  • V-Air® SOLID Plus cartridges contain no liquids, removing the risk of spillages or leaks.
  • Fragrance particles below 1 micron allow for superior fragrance delivery.
  • Up to 30 days of fragrance coverage.
  • Programmable V-Air® SOLID Plus Dispenser allows the user to set the right atmosphere at the right time to suit them.
  • Suitable for fixed installation or portable applications.